Waimea Canyon, Kauai Elopement Part I
Last year I was contacted by a couple from Australia – they were planning an elopement on Kauai in February and decided to fly me out to shoot it. Never in a million years did I think I’d be going to Hawaii for a work trip. Jeneile and Bill made the day so fun and carefree – we started at Waimea Canyon, where the ceremony took place, and ended on the cliffs above the Pacific Ocean for sunset. (Take note – ceremonies are no longer allowed in this location!) Pretty sure it couldn’t have been any better.
Thanks Jeneile and Bill, for trusting me with this amazing day – come explore the PNW sometime! Or if you want to bring me out to Australia for a 1st anniversary shoot, I wouldn’t mind. PS Doing this elopement in two parts – we shot during the day for the ceremony, and then met up again later for some final sunset images, which will be in part II. (Click here to see the second half of the day!)